The Conference intends to discuss emerging tendencies in research within the geometric topology of manifolds in dimension three and four, with a particular attention to different combinatorial tools for studying PL-manifolds (knots and braids, branched coverings, framed links, Heegaard diagrams, colored graphs, trisections…), as well as to the interconnections with other disciplines.  

A specific focus will be placed on the application of the representation theory by edge-colored graphs (gem theory or crystallization theory) to the study of random tensors, employed in theoretical physics as an approach to quantum gravity in arbitrary dimension.

Application-oriented topics are discussed in the second part of the conference with a more educational perspective

In particular, contributions will be included on: 

  1. Geometrical aspects in classical and contemporary art:
    • symmetry, perspective, representation of non-Euclidean spaces 
    • relevant examples in Reggio Emilia (pavement of the Tempio della Ghiara, proportions of the cloisters of San Pietro)
    • the great “artists-mathematicians” (Leonardo da Vinci, Piero della Francesca, M. C. Escher)
  1. Connection between Geometry and Astronomy:
    • surface covering and radar scan of celestial bodies, and the discovery of liquid water on Mars 
    • outreach activities (REA – Reggio Emilia Astronomia) 
  1. The contribution of the great scientists from Reggio to modern Geometry (e.g., Giuseppe Sforza and the volume of the hyperbolic tetrahedron)
  1. Applications of tessellations to the engineering of metamaterials.